Oct 13, 2020
Fall maintenance at Benna Ford

The color of the leaves is changing up here in the Twin Ports area. Before you know it, winter will be here.

But, before we get our first snowfall, are you ready to tackle that fall color cruise? If not, stop by Benna Ford’s service department for a Fall maintenance check up on your vehicle.

In the meantime, here is what you should look for:

Battery: Have your battery checked to make sure it is charging. Is your battery five years old or older? The temperature change will start to affect cranking power from the battery.

Tires: temperatures affect tire pressure. Get that checked regularly, especially when the days get cooler. The rule of thumb is that for every 10 degrees of air temperature, 1-2 pounds of tire pressure will drop. Don’t forget to check your tread condition. If you do a lot of driving in the winter months, start considering a set of winter tires. Benna Ford has tires for sale – including a winter set.  How old are your tires?  Tires more than five years old may become damaged or cracked from weather and the sun’s UV rays.

Brakes: Fall is the perfect time to check on pad wear and rotor condition. Have Benna Ford do a brake check to see if they are in good shape.

Check All Fluid Levels: Not just for the temperature change, but to ensure they are topped off at the right level. This includes the cooling system, windshield washer, oil, transmission, steering, and brake fluid. Benna Ford can do that, too!

Lights: As the days get shorter, you will need your lights to work properly as it gets darker earlier. Check for proper aim and brightness. Benna Ford can check your lights and ensure they’ll work in the evening commute.   Have your headlights yellowed?  Talk to us about cleaning them up and restoring the look and power of your headlights.

Benna Ford’s service department is available to make sure that your vehicle gets through this seasonal transition. Contact us for an appointment and get ready for the leaves to turn color!