Jan 21, 2019

One of the toughest things we ask our cars, trucks, and SUVs to do every year is deal with winter driving conditions. During the cold weather season, our cars have to deal with mud, snow, slush, and rain. Preparing your car for winter driving improves its overall reliability while making driving in inclement weather less prone to catastrophe.

Benna Ford knows how harsh winter is on the Twin Ports. Before it gets even worse, here are some things you can do before the temperatures drop even further.

Polish and Wax Your Car

A fresh coat of wax at the beginning of the cold weather driving season will make it more difficult for grime to ruin your paint.

Check the Battery

Cold weather reduces a battery’s charge. Get it checked before the cold season hits. If it’s weak, replace it.

Change Your Coolant

Keep in mind that another name for coolant is antifreeze. Starting the season with fresh coolant will prevent a frozen engine, which could lead to a cracked block.

Inspect the Tires

Tires cut through snow and mud best when they have good tread on them and are properly inflated. Cold weather decreases tire pressure, so you’ll want to check their pressure more frequently in cold conditions. If you live in an area where you may need snow chains, make sure yours are in good condition while the weather is still nice, and practice installing them before you need them.

Refresh Your Windshield Wiper Blades

Visibility is naturally reduced in winter. Rain, snow, and the spray from other cars make it difficult to see where you’re going. Fresh wiper blades go a long way toward ensuring you can see out of your car. If you have to park outside in freezing weather, lock the wiper arms in the upward position so the blades don’t freeze to the windshield.

Replace All Fluids

In addition to your coolant, motor oil and transmission fluid have to work harder in winter. If you have an older car and/or run single viscosity lubricants, replacing them at the beginning of the season with a lighter viscosity helps them get up to operating temperature more quickly in frigid conditions. This preserves those vital components by reducing wear.

Test Your Lights

Days are shorter in winter. You’ll likely be driving between home and work in the dark, so your lights become even more important. Make sure all the lighting systems work on your car, and keep them as clean as possible so they can be seen by other motorists.

Need some help getting through another tough Twin Ports winter? Our service and parts departments at Benna Ford are ready to help. Contact us and we can make it through another winter together!