May 25, 2023

With the rise in demand for clean energy and renewable resources, a new industrial revolution has begun. We here at Benna Ford, along with the majority of the automotive industry, have returned with renewed enthusiasm for the evolution, enhancement, and more efficient manufacturing of Electric Vehicles (EVs). Despite the recent rise in popularity and the increasing need for EVs, the lack of charging infrastructure in the United States is hindering widespread adoption.

A Need for Counteraction

The need for EVs is becoming more pressing in order to counteract the impact of fossil fuel-based transportation on the environment. The transportation sector is responsible for a significant portion of greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate change. By switching to EVs, we can significantly reduce our carbon footprint and help mitigate the effects of climate change. Additionally, EVs are becoming the more fiscally responsible option. Not only do they have lower operating costs and require less maintenance than traditional vehicles, but the cost of batteries is now also decreasing, making EVs more affordable for the general public.


Ubitricity Lamp Post Charger

Lighting Up Liverpool 

Despite these benefits, the lack of charging infrastructure remains a significant barrier for users across the country, particularly in rural areas. There are not enough charging stations to meet the needs of EV drivers, and some charging stations are only compatible with certain types of EVs. A company called Ubitricity, a recent addition to the Shell group, has taken steps to eliminate this impediment in Liverpool, UK. Working brilliantly with the existing city infrastructure, Ubitricity has used the city’s lampposts for over 6000 charging points in London and plans to add 300 to Liverpool. 

Ubitricity Lamp Post Charger

Increasing Coordination

Perhaps we can take a page from their book here in the US in our efforts to make EVs more mainstream. It would take the collaboration and coordination of all potential stakeholders as well as continuity across all brands. Local governments, utility companies, and private businesses will need to work together to provide incentives and funding, improve standardization, and increase coordination. With these solutions, we can ensure that EVs become a viable and practical alternative to traditional gasoline-powered vehicles.

A Mighty Ambition

The ambition of this might may seem too great a task, but in human history, seemingly insurmountable heights have been surpassed again and again. When people unite over a common goal, next to nothing is beyond our reach. At Benna Ford, we believe wholeheartedly in the power of the human spirit and know that if we come together on this, the impossible will become possible yet again.