Jungle Boy Boxing Gym

Jungle Boy Boxing

We believe in community. Community is where people come together and do their best to keep each other healthy, safe and happy. Benna Ford believes in community and we do what we can to help the people of the Twin Harbors area live the good life every day.

We support and sponsor many events and organizations throughout the Twin Harbors area. One of them happen to be the Jungle Boy Boxing Gym in Duluth. This is a youth organization dedicated to building character in youth through teaching the art of boxing.

The gym's goal is to give those that come through the program an opportunity to excel in boxing. The only requirement is each member of the gym makes a drug free commitment, live an honorable life, and work hard.

Members go through training on the art of boxing. Usually, there are 13 to 18 members training, learning and even sparring. They may go into the right and put on a fight. All the while, they are also taught valuable lessons about life, community building and personal development.

The Jungle Boy Boxing Gym is located at 914 W 3rd St in Duluth. Come by and show your support or bring the kids down to see what it is all about. Tell them Benna Ford sent you